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Nerve damage numbness treatment, no need for painkillers anymore

For more than 5 years Bettina Hafer took pain medications daily, but the last 5 weeks she took none of them! She says: “In such a short time, such a good help,” Synthesit, the biogenic mineral that helped Bettina to return back to life. She is 61 y.o. and lives in Southern Germany. She a well-known entertainer, piper and wind instrument player.

Childhood asthma, narrowing of the spinal canal, Sliding vertebra (spondylolisthesis), osteoarthritis, pinched nerves on the back and numbness in legs and feet were causing Bettina a huge pain for a long time. She took painkillers daily. Since the day she decided to take Synthesit, she was able to stop taking pain medication and relieve the burning pain in her back. Her body is finally able to recover.

Now she starts to make new life plans. She is more independent, more capable of movement and full of hope. In the future, she hopes that Synthesit can also help her in healing her vision problems and her sex life.

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