Since the discovery of immunity, people have been interested in the question: how to increase the body's defenses and resistance to pathogenic microorganisms?
Now a lot of information about the positive effect of trace elements is already known: they strengthen the nervous and muscle tissue, help a person to fight with infections, increase mental abilities, and they are used for medicinal purposes in many diseases.
For example, in ancient times, in Daoist practice, trace elements obtained in the course of cold nuclear fusion (transmutation) were used. According to historical information, such trace elements possessed incredibly powerful biogenic potential, giving youth, health and significantly increased lifetime.
The "Synthestech'' project rediscovered ancient traditions and in modern conditions repeated the ancient practice, having managed to implement cold fusion to made such trace elements. The first product, Synthesit Iron, is a real breakthrough. The "living" iron created in this way allows not only to prevent anemia and other iron deficiency states, but also increase the number of stem cells several times. With its help, prolonging life and increasing the body's defenses has become absolutely real. All people taking Synthesit noticed immunity and well-being increase.
Stem cells: their types and benefits
Cells and tissues of the body are continuously updated, ensuring the growth, regeneration and youth of a person. All this is possible due to the stem cell: it can become any cell in the body - an immunity cell, hematopoietic, nervous, muscle, bone, epithelial cells, etc. It is possible thanks to undifferentiated cell that is the main part of the human blood-forming and immune system. Stem cells are divided into three large groups depending on the source: embryonic, fetal and postnatal (adult cells).
One of the stem cell working areas is hematopoiesis (the process of new blood cells formation): this process takes place in the red bone marrow, located in the thickness of some bones. Thanks to stem cells, blood and other tissues are constantly self-renewing, but with time they become less and less - this explains the inexorable process of aging.
Nowadays the methods using stem cells are the most promising methods of increasing cellular immunity and the treatment of autoimmune diseases, hematopoiesis pathologies. Stem cells repair damaged cells in the immune system, enhance defense mechanisms and normalize red bone marrow.
Symptoms of a decrease in immunity
The coordinated work of all parts of the immune system protects a person from many viruses and pathogens. Suspect weakening of the mechanisms of immune defense can be on the following grounds:
1. There are problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, pain).
2. Fatigue, well-being decreased: to fight viruses and bacteria, a large amount of energy is expended.
3. Chronic stress, lack of sleep - production of adrenaline and cortisol, which suppress the activity of immunity, increased.
4. Slow healing of wounds. If a small cut does not heal for a long time, then this may be a symptom of a decrease in immunity.
5. Excessive cravings for sweets - at the same time, this symptom may indicate a deficiency of microelements (magnesium, chromium, phosphorus and others).
Good immunity, a sufficient number of stem and protective cells is necessary for every person. In order to improve immunity, it is required:
• to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
• to exclude harmful products (refined oils, preservatives and colorants)
• to normalize the mode of work and rest;
• to exercise regularly, do yoga, or go jogging;
• to strengthen the protective function of the body.