Recovery experience of people taking Synthesit™. The main parameters of health improvements with mineral intake
Based on the results of taking Synthesit by individuals, we have registered the noticeable beneficial changes that occur in the human body. To date, there are more than 60 of these positive changes. A lot of work has been done.

Recent scientific research has shed light on the mechanisms of the positive bioactive action of Synthesit on human health:

1. Rejuvenation of the aged-related biological blood parameters with the help of Synthesit.
Scientific research results.

2. Proven anti-tumor efficacy of Synthesit. In vitro research in the laboratory of experimental oncology.

3. Synthesit more than doubles the number of healthy stem cells. Scientific research.

4. Suppression of enzyme activity (Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and Xanthine oxidase (XO)) associated with pathological conditions and age-related diseases.

5. Increase in Klotho gene expression by 1.9 times.

6. An important fact is that Synthesit contributes to blood oxygen saturation up to 100% and blood thinning objectives. Oxygen is the fuel for every cell of the body. 90% of diseases occur due to a blockage of blood vessels.

SYNTHESIT is not a medicine. SYNTHESIT is a mineral obtained by a very complex method. This is a 'live' element, a fuel that provides strength and energy to normalize biochemical body processes. Receiving Synthesit, the body independently regains strength and health, beauty and youth, optimizes the work of the hematopoietic system and biochemistry, restores damaged organs and tissues, which entails many favorable changes.

The brief summary below comes in handy for those who have started or are preparing to take SYNTHESIT. With its help you can pay attention to your changes, notice them, and help your body complete the task in the most effective way.
  • Increase in number of stem cells without transplantation
  • Body detoxification
  • Normalization of creatinine level in blood plasma
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Normalization of ferritin level
  • Reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Restoration of menstrual cycles
  • Reduced arthritis symptoms of various geneses
  • Blood oxygen saturation up to 100%
  • Lowered level of uric acid
  • Restoration of cartilage tissue
  • Help to speed up recovery from coronavirus disease
  • Eliminated sand and kidney stones
  • Restoration of joint and spine mobility
  • Reduction of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) to normal values
  • Reduction of hemorrhoid symptoms, relapse prevention
  • Suppression of inflammatory processes
  • Elimination of gout symptoms
  • Fast healing of ulcers, wounds, burns, and fractures
  • Nasopharynx - disappearance of green nasal discharge, clearing of sinuses
  • Liver - restoration of its functions
  • Reduced level of bilirubin in blood
  • Reduced cholesterol level in blood
  • Restoration of normal blood parameters and functions of the hematopoietic system
  • Kidneys - restoration of their functions
  • Stomach - relief from heartburn and gastritis
  • Bowel - normalization of stool, stool color
  • Heart - pain cessation, pulse normalization
  • Male reproductive system: improved morning erections, increased number of viable and mobile sperm
  • Reduced visceral fat
  • Reduction of asthmatic symptoms
  • Elimination of parasites: opisthorchiasis, yersiniosis
  • Enhanced immunity, faster recovery from flu or Acute respiratory viral infections
  • Improved visual acuity and colorfulness of perceived color brilliance
  • Reduction of papillomas
  • Reduced symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
Mental health:
  • .
    Regained calmness and lowered response to negative stimuli
  • .
    Cessation of dwelling on bad thoughts
  • .
    Improved and stabilized mood
  • .
    Improved concentration and diligence
  • .
    Memory improvement
  • .
    Acceleration of thought processes
  • .
    Normalization of falling asleep and waking up
  • .
    Return of vivid and realistic dreams
  • .
    The ease of immersion into a meditative state
Beauty and appearance:
  • Weight correction and reduction of body edema
  • Reduced varicose veins and spider veins
  • Disappearance of spots, plaques
  • Fast healing of blackheads, pimples, wounds, bruises
  • Disappearance of dermatitis, eczema, fungal lesions
  • Normalization of skin complexion
  • Elimination of bruises and under-eye puffiness
  • Enhanced nails, smoothed nail ridges, faster nail growth
  • Reduced hair loss, enhanced hair growth, restored hair follicle growth, increased thickness of eyebrows
  • Restoration of hair pigmentation
Physical activity and well-being:
  • 1
    Increased endurance (up to 40%)
  • 2
    Acceleration of muscle and ligament recovery (up to 3 times)
  • 3
    Improved coordination of movements
  • 4
    Increased activity
  • 5
    Increased spine and joints flexibility
  • 6
    Reduced need for food, normalization of taste preferences
  • 7
    Increased water consumption
  • 8
    Enhanced taste and olfactory sensations (taste and smell)
When you refer to this briefing note daily, please keep in mind that your body is able to make some improvements quick and some require more time. Much depends on your age, weight, lifestyle and thoughts.

Trust your body and be attentive to the listed improvements and your individual changes, which you can always share with us by sending an e-mail
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    OOO "NIC Synthestech", INN/KPP: 2320250187 / 236701001
    Corporate Address: Kurortny prospekt 73, Sochi, 354002, Russia
    Russian-Swiss production