Tests of SYNTHESIT™ Iron

While capacities for the production of raw materials are being built. We continue to receive data on the outstanding biogenic properties of iron obtained by Cold Fusion.

Today we want to talk about experiments related to increasing the physical strength of experimental mice receiving SYNTHESIT iron.

2 groups of 4 mice were tested. The test group received an iron supplement SYNTHESIT for 5 weeks. Another group were a control. Conditions and food, except for SYNTHESIT, were the same in both groups of mice.

The mice were of the same age, gender, same genetic line - SHK. They were received from the Andreevka nursery of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.For these tests, a high-precision dynamometer Megeon 03020 was used.

The result was truly phenomenal, but at the same time absolutely objective.

The results test group receiving SYNTHESIT exceeded the control by 30%.

No other substance exept for anabolic steroids can give such results. But steroids cause serious health problems. Whereas SYNTHESIT is a vital mineral for the body that does not have any damaging effects on internal organs, which was confirmed by thorough studies of organs and tissues.

Experiments with mice exclude the placebo effect. This is the objective effect of the "young" element on the body.

At the same time, an increase in physical strength is also observed in our test volunteers who receive SYNTHESIT. The first data on people will be in a few weeks.

Video of experiments with mice can be seen here:
We also draw your attention to the fact that on Tuesday at 20:00 Moscow time there will be a video stream with Vladislav Karabanov, which will present even more sensational data regarding human health and SYNTHESIT.
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