D. V. Bulgin (1), V. А. Karabanov (2), R. V. Karabanov (2)
1 Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Research Institute of Medical Primatology", Sochi
2 LLC"SynthestechResearch Center", Sochi
The safety and efficiency of long-term taking this vitamin-mineral complex based on iron citrate were explored in laboratory SHK-line mice. It has been proven that iron citrate does not have a toxic (damaging) effect on the internal organs and tissues of mice. The basic cellular parameters of the bone marrow were studied. The effect of iron citrate on the intensity and dynamics of cell populations proliferative activity in all sprouts of the bone marrow hematopoiesis was revealed.
Iron citrate Synthesit is not toxic (damaging) effects on the internal organs and tissues of mice
Liver tissue of a typical histological structure
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
Myocardial tissue of a typical histological structure
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
Kidney tissue of a typical histological structure
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
Lung tissue of a typical histological structure
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
It is known that the main source of stem cells (SC) is bone marrow (BM). The phenomenon of remote control of BM over the processes of tissue and organ regeneration has been scientifically proven, and SC BM are directly involved in these processes.

Bone marrow isthe foundation of stem cells and progenitor cells.

The cellular composition of BM is heterogeneous in origin and morphology; BM cells are represented at different stages of their development, among them are mononuclear BM cells (bone marrow mononuclear cells / BMMNCs).

All BM cells that have one nucleus and do not contain granules in the cytoplasm are commonly referred to the BMMNCs population. Among BMMNCs, there is a big amount of cells - hematopoietic precursors at different stages of maturation, lymphocytes, plasma cells, monocytes.

The BMMNCs fraction is an extensive source of cells that can be used in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering technologies.
The number of cellular elements of all germs of hematopoiesis is within normal limits
Bone marrow of a mouse not taking iron citrate
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
The number of cellular elements of all germs of hematopoiesis isincreased
Bone marrow of a mouse taking iron citrate
(hematoxylin and eosin coloring, x400 scaling)
A smear imprint of the bone marrow of a mouse not taking iron citrate
(May-Grunwald-Giemsa coloring, cytological micropreparation, scaling x400)
A smear imprint of the bone marrow of a mouse taking iron citrate
(May-Grunwald-Giemsa coloring, cytological micropreparation, scaling x400)
A smear imprint of the bone marrow of a mouse not taking iron citrate
(May-Grunwald-Giemsa coloring, cytological micropreparation, scaling x1000)
A smear imprint of the bone marrow of a mouse taking iron citrate
(May-Grunwald-Giemsa coloring, cytological micropreparation, scaling x1000)
* -statistically significant difference compared with the control group.
1. Myelogram changes in the experimental and control groups indicate that prolonged oral taking of the SYNTHESIT® Iron not only enhances hematopoiesis, but also increases its reparative processes in the red bone marrow due to an increase in the number of mononuclear (stem) cells.

2. Iron citrate, included in the SYNTHESIT® Iron does not have toxic (damaging) effects on the internal organs and tissues of mice with prolonged oral taking.
The research was carried out at the Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology in Sochi under the supervision of the head of the laboratory of preclinical and clinical research, Gina Karal-ogly.
Studies were conducted on a group of aged primates, rhesus macaques aged 21-25 years, equal to 50-70 human years.

Findings brief:

- The study revealed that a number of age-related physiological body parameters in the primates that received Synthesit has significantly changed.

- Reduced cholesterol level by 40% that is a completely phenomenal result.

- Lowered Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) values by over 30% in the body. These are extraordinary rates. It is well known that high values of AST and ALT indicate various diseases. These values are increased with age. The lowered levels evidence that in the short period of time with the use of Synthesit animals had experienced positive changes in the body.

- Reduction of weight in all monkeys by about 5%. Monkeys began to consume less food. (This effect of Synthesit is confirmed by information from people who previously had consumed Synthesit. While maintaining the appetite, the need for food decreases and less food is required for satiation that leads to excess body weight loss).

In addition, the analyses showed that in the experimental group of aged monkeys, as a result of the use of Synthesit, normalized a number of other biochemical blood parameters.

Considering the generalized research findings about Synthesit effect on the group of aged primates, it can be stated that it contributed to a significant recovery and brought the body parameters of the aged primates to the values similar to younger age.

Also, the report contains previously obtained research data about the impact of Synthesit intake on cellular parameters of bone marrow in mice. This data rigorously proves that Synthesit intake enhances hematopoiesis and accelerates reparative processes in the bone marrow due to the increase in the number of mononuclear cells (stem cells). This means that Synthesit actually involves the process of rejuvenation and recovery of the body.
View the full report:
There is considerable experience accumulated to date regarding Synthesit intake by people of different age groups. According to their reviews, regardless of age, accompanied pathologies and other factors, there was a significant improvement noted in overall health and excellent tolerability of the product.

Thus, Synthesit is a breakthrough product in the field of human health. It allows you to help the human body in both prevention and control of diseases, and in the renewal of the body. At the same time, Synthesit is not a medicine, but remains a biologically active supplement, a mineral that has no contraindications and is safe for health.
New scientific research
In vitro experiment has shown that Synthesit not only helps to protect red blood cells (cells that carry oxygen), but also contributes to deeper mechanisms of healing.

The research has revealed that one of the key causes of aging, the development of oncological, age-related and metabolic diseases - the activity of Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and Xanthine oxidase (XO) enzymes, DECREASES UP TO TWO TIMES.
This action of Synthesit prevents free radical oxidation and oxidative stress.

This is a unique result that contributes to the protection of all human cells and many other factors that form such concepts as health and longevity.

The experiment was carried out in vitro on blood cells. The experiment involved 21 people aged 40-80 years.

The conclusions of the scientific experiment consist of 7 parts. From a scientific point of view each part reveals the unprecedented effect of Synthesit:

  1. In vitro experiment showed that Synthesit iron citrate promotes the reduction in the activity of key enzymes of the breakdown of purine nucleotides in blood plasma and in red blood cells. The effect was observed in most of the peripheral blood samples (90%).

  2. More pronounced inhibitory effect of Synthesit iron citrate solution was observed in a group of middle-aged people (40-59 years). Since catabolic processes increase with aging, in this case, the breakdown of purine nucleotides (due to the stimulation of ADA and XO activities), which contributes to an increase in the level of FR in the body, followed by the further OS – one of the key causes of aging and age-associated diseases, including CVD, metabolic (obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus) and oncological disorders. Therefore, the use of Synthesit iron citrate can be recommended as a geroprotector, especially for people who are at risk for age-related pathologies.

  3. The decrease in the activity of ADA with Synthesit iron citrate contributes to an increase in the intracellular and extracellular levels of adenosine. It is known that cells with a high level of adenosine, under certain conditions, are more resistant to the oxidative action of FR, contributing to the stimulation of enzymes and low-molecular-weight antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) , glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione, thereby protecting the cell from OS [41-44].

  4. Aging, like most pathologies, is characterized by the presence of hypoxic states, which is accompanied by an increase in the activity of ADA [45]. Therefore, the suppression of the activity of this enzyme with Synthesit iron citrate stimulates the release of adenosine under hypoxic conditions, dilating blood vessels and promoting better flow, as well as contributing to an increase in the level of nitrogen monoxide (NO), a strong vasodilator, normalizing vascular tone, blood circulation, as well as oxygen transport to cells [46-49]. Many cells involved into the production of adenosine have adenosine receptors embedded in the plasma membrane. In the cardiovascular system, they are found on the surface of atrial cardiomyocytes, ventricles and the conducting system of the heart, in the endothelium and smooth muscle cells of the vessel walls. Thus, acting through stimulation of the release of adenosine and NO, Synthesit iron citrate can have antihypoxic and antiadrenergic properties, having a hypotensive effect, thereby acting as a kind of cardioprotector.

  5. Adenosine is able to stimulate an increase in the level of ATP in cells [49; 50], and an increase in the activity of ADA leads to a decrease in the level of adenosine. A suppression of ADA activity using Synthesit iron citrate leads to the regulation of cell bioenergetics, performing control in the need and consumption of energy.

  6. Also, the maintenance of vascular tone, microcirculation and normal oxygen delivery to cells can be carried out by suppressing the activity of XO with the use of Synthesit iron citrate. It was found that with aging, XO participates in the formation of vascular OS, which leads to a decrease in endothelium-dependent dilatation, by reducing NO [51]. FR generated by XO are involved in the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and other proteins, contributing to the early risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, as well as the formation of microthrombosis [52]. At the same time, FR generated by XO contribute to the disturbance of Ca2+ - ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of smooth muscle cells, thereby inhibiting the transport of Ca2+ that leads to vascular damage in various pathological situations.

  7. In erythrocytes, FR generated by purine metabolism enzymes contribute to the oxidation of cysteine residues of hemoglobin with the formation of cross-disulfide bonds and aggregation of hemoglobin protomers with the formation of Heinz bodies. The presence of Heinz bodies affects the plasticity of the erythrocyte membrane, it loses its ability to deform when red blood cells pass through the capillaries. This causes a disturbance of the integrity of the membrane, which leads to hemolysis of red blood cells. Thus, inhibiting the enzymes of purine metabolism with Synthesit iron citrate, there is a decrease in the level of FR, as well as, possibly, extracellular accumulation of adenosine, which is one of the first steps in the protective auto- and paracrine cascade signal aimed at limiting cell damage in response to adverse conditions [53], contributing to the preservation of the integrity of blood cells and preventing the oxidation of hemoglobin in red blood cells and, as a result, increasing oxygen delivery to cells.

  8. Moreover, O2•− generated by XO acts as a precursor for other forms of FR, which have a more pronounced cytotoxic effect, disrupting the mechanisms of oxidation and phosphorylation during tissue respiration, the main function of which is to maintain thermoregulation, metabolic and energy balance in the cell [54]. A suppression of XO activity using Synthesit iron citrate stimulates tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, thereby contributing to the normalization of biological oxidation processes and ATP synthesis.

The research was performed by:

Sergey Zuikov, PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences, and Daria Kaplun, Jr. Scientist, Biology.

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