Coronavirus infection has infected millions of people around the world. This is a serious disease with a high risk of death from pneumonia, especially it afflicts the elderly.
Scientists have hypothesized that the cause of death of the patient is not exactly the inflammation of the lungs, but the impact of the virus on hemoglobin. This important protein delivers oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the whole body and other way around - transports carbon dioxide to the lungs.
According to the results of research, an aggressive protein was detected in the Сoronavirus. In simple words, the protein invaded the hemoglobin core and displaced the iron from it. The protein lost its functions and as a result – total hypoxia and organ dysfunction.
How does the body react? Throws all its strength for solving the problem. The heart pumps blood at full capacity, increases pulmonary ventilation – the organism is working hard. Not every young healthy body can stand such a stress, but oldest people stand it worse. Besides this an additional compensatory mechanism is activated for the production fetal hemoglobin. We have written before about this in our post: Synthesit is exactly what you need in such situation. It doesn't treat by itself , it just gives the body the strength, energy, and material to restore the stem cells such needed to maintain health. New and healthy stem cells give life to old and diseased blood cells, organs, and the immune system. When the human reserves are used up, SYNTHESIT will start the process of self-healing.
That is why there is an opinion that taking this product for a prevention and cure of coronavirus as an additional method is not prohibited – practice has shown that the innovative development works.