Symptoms of oxygen deficiency
Lack of oxygen provokes development of heart attacks,
strokes and other diseases.
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Do you experience rapid breathing and heart beats for no reason?
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Do you experience low blood pressure?
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  1. Do you have pale skin?
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Do you experience occasional dizziness?
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Do you often experience apathy, weakness and drowsiness?
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Do you have shortness of breath without physical activity?
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Do you have a cold sweat?
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Do you have swollen feet?
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Do you have deterioration in your memory and concentration?
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Do you have any sleep disorders?
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Do you experience tremors in your arms and legs?
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Do you experience emotional disturbances (euphoria and falling into a stupor)?
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You feel well!
But it is worth remembering that often hypoxemia (decreased oxygen level in blood) occurs without evident symptoms.
This condition is dangerous if you have chronic diseases.

Find out how to prevent it

You need to pay attention to your health!
You have a lot of symptoms that may indicate a low oxygen level in blood. This can lead to serious violations of the functioning of vital organs.

Find out how to prevent it
You need to pay attention to your health!
All these symptoms indicate that the body is trying to compensate for the lack of oxygen, forcing the person to show less activity. If you do not take measures to treat oxygen deficiency, hypoxemia (decreased oxygen level in blood) can further progress, causing serious consequences.

Find out how to prevent it
The level of blood oxygen saturation in healthy people is at least 95%. At a level of less than 94%, the human condition is a concern, and at 90%, WHO suggests using an oxygen mask, since the tissues do not receive enough oxygen. If the SpO2 level is below 90%, the risk of hypoxemia, a lack of oxygen in blood, is high.
This is typical for patients with coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
The main problem of oxygen deficiency was that the human body does not absorb iron well and, as a result, does not transport vital oxygen. This continued until 2020, when Synthesit ™ went on sale.

Synthesit™ is based on an innovative form of bioactive iron. Synthesit is produced as a result of multi-stage complex reactions of electrochemical and high-temperature reactions on non-heme raw materials of mineral origin. This is the result of a long-term research and experiments in collaboration with outstanding scientists.
With Synthesit - 100% of oxygen in blood
How to measure the oxygen level in blood?
Known viral infections and the death rate of patients from lack of oxygen forced manufacturers to include in their devices a pulse oximeter used to monitor the amount of oxygen carried in the body.

The level of oxygen in blood is measured as a percentage. If the measurement shows 95%, it means that 95% of hemoglobin carries oxygen and 5% does not.

The level of oxygen saturation in the blood (SpO2) is one of the main indicators used to determine whether a patient needs to be given oxygen through a mask and whether they need artificial ventilation.

The healthy people's blood oxygen saturation level is 95%.

At a level of less than 94%, the human condition is a concern, and at 90%, WHO suggests using an oxygen mask, since the tissues do not receive enough oxygen.

If the SpO2 level is below 90%, the risk of hypoxemia increases. This is a lack of oxygen in blood. This condition is typical in patients having known viral infections.
We used the pulse oximeter to measure the blood oxygen level of our office staff who take Synthesit.

In the morning before taking Synthesit, the oxygen level was 98% according to the Apple Watch 6 pulse oximeter.

And this is certainly a very good rate.

But 15 minutes after taking Synthesit, the pulse oximeter showed 100% of oxygen rate.

This is a very significant number proving that it is possible to achieve almost complete oxygen saturation up to 100% with Synthesit. This measurement, of course, does not provide strictly medical data. Saturation also depends on other factors.

However, these data allow us to draw a certain conclusion about the positive effect of Synthesit.

Synthesit is an iron-based product obtained by a special way, and iron is the main micro element of hemoglobin that transports oxygen around to every cell in the body

There are no analogues to Synthesit.
Symptoms of hypoxia
General weakness;
Reduced concentration, memory loss;
Rapid fatigue;
Increased frequency and depth of breathing;
Increased heart rate;
Periodic vertigo;
Reduced blood pressure;
Peripheral feet edema;
Chest pain;
Pallor of the skin;
Why does Synthesit facilitate
the course of the disease?
  • 1
    Synthesit helps to thin the blood
  • 2
    Synthesit helps blood oxygen saturation up to 100%
  • 3
    Synthesit has an anti-inflammatory effect and suppresses IL6 cytokines, which can cause a "cytokine storm" in coronavirus
  • 4
    Taking Synthesit helps restore the hematopoietic system, which means that the body receives new cells to restore immunity, blood cells, organs and tissues.
  • 5
    The system of production of new red blood cells that replace red blood cells damaged by the coronavirus is activated.
Course price is $48
Synthesit ™ - available in convenient capsules for internal use.
The monthly course is designed for 20 days of admission and 10 days of break.

Course price is $48

Synthesit™ has no analogues and does not have a toxic effect.

In addition to reliable and safe replenishment of iron store in a body, Synthesit™ has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, as a result of which the number of stem cells increases several times, which leads to a significant restoration of the body's natural potential, improving physiological characteristics, immunity, endurance, etc.
What is Synthesit?
How is it obtained?
The product is based on an innovative form of bioactive iron. Synthesit is produced as a result of multi-stage complex reactions of electrochemical and high-temperature reactions on non-heme raw materials of mineral origin. This is the result of a long-term research and experiments in collaboration with outstanding scientists.

The research work was performed from 2015 to 2019. In 2019, we received the first grams of Synthesit. At the end of 2019 the research was completed. Sales started in early 2020.
Over the past year, three scientific studies of Synthesit
have been carried out which have proven:
1. Suppressive effect on lung and intestinal cancer cells

2. Suppression of cytokines IL6 activity, also known as pro-inflammatory cytokines that are involved in the "cytokine storm"

3. More than doubled number of healthy stem cells

4. Reduced biochemical age-related parameters (cholesterol, ALT, AST)

5. No toxic effect.
Synthesit has no side effects.
Synthesit has no side effects.

Today, thousands of people around the world use Synthesit as a complex product that is able to help not only normalize digestion, improve mood and improve performance, but also give the body strength to fight diseases and preserve youth.

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    Synthesit Iron - Dietary supplements.
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