We receive many questions regarding the possible positive effect of Synthesit in cancer treatment.
We understand the concern and reason for the large amount of questions if Synthesit is able to affect cancer cells. The incidence of cancer has actually increased over the past decades.
Recent scientific studies of Synthesit have confirmed that it significantly suppresses cancer cells. The in vitro studies have shown that the survival rate of intestinal and lung cancer cells ranged from 12% to 16%, while normal cells were not affected. In addition, a powerful anti-inflammatory effect has been proven. For full details, see the following research paper (LINK)
At the end of May 2020, we received the first evidence that Synthesit is able to help in cancer treatment. The bio effective mineral helped an elderly man to reduce a tumor size by 3 times, and the tumor was a result of stomach cancer. That was stage IV.
Bio effective Synthesit Iron mineral is not a medicine. It's a groundbreaking product. It's a 'live' element. The body uses it as fuel, as a source of energy and strength for optimization of its biochemical processes. By receiving Synthesit, the body gains a new opportunity to trigger its self-healing mechanisms, most importantly - to increase its number of stem cells. Stem cells are the basis of life, the basis of the entire body renewal, youth, health and immunity. Experiments on mice and research studies at Federal Scientific Research Institute of Medical Primatology have shown that Synthesit is is absolutely non-toxic and can increase the number of useful stem cells
by more than twiceDespite the fact that Synthesit has demonstrated its importance in this field greatly, we believe that the treatment and prevention of cancer is the primary task of medicine. In these cases, self-treatment without medical support from trusted doctors is unacceptable. Statements concerning explicit benefits of live elements are unacceptable without appropriate clinical studies. We are ready to cooperate with medical and other organizations that study this issue.