Comprehensive harmonizing effect of SYNTHESIT™ on all body systems
Biogenic potential of SYNTHESIT reveals its new sides. We receive a lot of grateful email messages about its phenomenal effect on the body. The healing effect of the mineral is colossal. Harmonization and configuration of basic body functions lead to a comprehensive improvement of health, mood and quality of life. Sometimes beneficial changes are so strong that in addition to improvements on the physical level, the harmonization of biochemical and psychological processes leads to self-acceptance, awareness of the integrity of a human being. As the brightest example of such insights, we provide a feedback review in which one of the SYNTHESIT consumers describes his feelings and emotions in detail that happened to him on a psychological level.
Here is the full text of the email and document with a detailed description of the achieved result. Perhaps this will help someone to find harmony in their life.
FEEDBACK REVIEW (no editing, original text)

Hello. I would like to share with you some of my somewhat unusual experience. I got my first order on April 21st (according to the receipt that was saved in the Inbox). In general, I took 3 capsules a day. Sometimes I took 4, and one jar was used with 5 capsules intake per day. I can't reckon and give you exact details on what and when did happen, I mean when and the quantity of capsules taken. Actually, now I will tell you about the experience. I don't know what was Synthesit role played in here, but it did probably play some. Shortly, I have been on a spiritual quest since I was 21. I'm 36 now. The last years I was in a spiritual stagnation (as I perceived it then) and in a state of prolonged depression. I have read a lot of esoteric books during that time (I have hardly read any more of them recently) and all this has become somewhat boring for me. While taking "Synthesit", there was an active interest in the search, but this time I did not beat around the bush, and began to be interested in self enlightenment itself. I watched some satsangs with enlightened people. At some point, there was a sense of some readiness. I "put aside" all the knowledge taken from esoteric literature and about a week later (May 14th) it happened. To be honest, I (my mind) right til the end, did not believe that this would happen at all. But miracles do happen. From the point of view of emotions, the experience turned out to be quite simple. The very feeling of self enlightenment (as a certain state of attention, as well as the very state of "here and now») very simple and as soon as it appeared, I immediately reckoned I already experienced it as a child. In general, it turned out to be much easier than I expected. At some point, because of the simplicity of the emotions, this experience (both of self enlightenment itself and of being in an enlightened state) can hardly even be called esoteric. Although esoteric moments undoubtedly do take place here. I must say that I got used to the enlightened state in about 3-4 weeks. Fortunately, at this time I was on self-isolation and worked from home. About myself, I should say I am an ordinary man. Even now. I don't feel or see any energy (at least not yet). My understanding (obtained from personal experience) and individual moments of personal experience, I stated it in a text form (Word document), which can be found as attached. I would be grateful if you publish this information (set out in the document). I'm not ready for a Skype talk yet ask you not to mention my name. That's all for now. Goodbye.
ATTACHED DOCUMENT (no editing, original text)
What is enlightenment of the mind?
Personal experience
Only when you completely lose yourself will you find yourself as the presence of God
Hello, dear reader. I want to share with you my experience and my understanding of what constitutes self-enlightenment of the mind (hereinafter, simply, enlightenment). It happened to me almost two months ago. At this point, I already have some understanding of what it is. It is surprising that enlightenment itself is quite simple in terms of sensation and perception, but it may not be easy to explain this simplicity, but I will try. About myself, I must say that I do not see or feel energy (at least not yet) and do not have any superpowers. I have been in a spiritual search for myself since I was 21 (now I am 36) and during this time I have read a lot of esoteric literature. Now I understand that, in a sense, esotericism is difficult to understand, since it includes many different details, the knowledge of which, in principle, is not necessary to achieve enlightenment and even disturb it. I must say that there are some misconceptions about the concept of "enlightenment" that I will not dwell on. It is important to understand that enlightenment is a very specific thing, and therefore it is possible and probably necessary to talk about it. Therefore, I want to give you the most necessary minimum of knowledge (obtained from my personal experience) that has the most direct relation to enlightenment.

Let's start with the very concept of what enlightenment is. Enlightenment includes two concepts: 1) focused attention and 2) the state of "here and now" in which you can enter, just by directing your gathered attention there. Below, I will describe in more detail what the gathered attention is, and what the "here and now" state is. I must say that I do not like the concept of "here and now" very much, but it is commonly used in esoteric literature. From my personal experience, the state of "here and now", I would describe as a state of "contemplative perception" and "presence of oneself as Something". It should be said that the state of" here and now " can also take place in life of an unenlightened person, although it is possible in the form of brief glimpses that may appear from time to time in his life. For example, this state may occur during an orgasm, but it is not necessary to completely identify it with it (during orgasm, there is an euphoria, which is not directly related to the state of "here and now", but the feeling of inner freedom has it).

Next, I will tell you what gathered attention is and how it differs from dispersed attention. I will just say that the gathered attention is a natural state of attention, that is, what it should be, and what it once was, in your childhood (approximately up to 7 years). Gathered attention is a natural and stable state of attention. At the same time, the dispersed attention that is inherent in an unenlightened person is unnatural and conditionally stable, and in fact, unstable, which is forcibly maintained in a state of stability. Focused attention exists due to the mechanism of constantly commenting on what is perceived (heard, seen, etc.). It may seem that commenting on what is happening in the mind is a habit of thinking this way, but it is not so. You may have drawn your attention to the fact that when you looked at something or listened to something, it was after you (are you like who?) have noted this, named, or commented on (in your mind), then immediately you lose the original interest that existed for some time, before you gave it a designation, name or comment. Thanks to the commenting mechanism that exists in mind, attention is focused on many different centers (attention): different thoughts, different perceived objects (sights or sounds), and possibly other sensations. In some sense, thanks to this mechanism of commenting, attention is expanded, as it were, by focusing on a variety of different centers or, simply, it is dispersed. At the same time, this state of attention may seem almost familiar and something natural, as well as the mechanism of commenting itself. But that's not like that.

You may note that the commenting mechanism is not so easy to stop. This is about who you are and what you can control.

It is important to understand that the functioning of the commenting mechanism is supported by your Personality (Self, Ego). Your Personality is some concept of your mind, about who or what you are, your perception of yourself in the mind. In this case, the Person will be understood only as an image of oneself in the mind (the mind is the second signal system), without including the biological component (the physical body and the first signal system) in this concept, although within the concept of Personality, the idea of oneself as a being with a biological component may exist. It turns out that outside of this concept of mind, you, or rather who you perceive yourself to be, do not exist. For example, there is a certain body, but the fact that you consider yourself to be that body (or part of yourself) is a concept in your mind and nothing more. The full perception of yourself by the mind, including the whole idea of yourself (i.e. who you are), is your Identity.

It should be understood that a Person who is related to the second signal system (mind) can actively interact with the first signal system. For example, a Person can either directly experience an emotion (or emotions), or cause an emotion (or emotions), in accordance with, in some way, in memory (experience of a certain situation that took place in the past). But this active interaction of the Personality with the first signal system exists because of your attention, which, by identifying with the Personality, literally animates it. In this case, the Personality acts as a layer between You (the source of attention) and the first signal system. However, it is important to understand that Your attention can be directed directly to the first signal system, which is not a Person.

So, in your normal state, you will perceive yourself as a Personality. In the "here and now" state, you do not perceive yourself as a Person, but there is a feeling (namely, a feeling) of "presence of yourself as Something", which cannot be described in words, since the mind is disconnected at this moment, but you can clearly observe how this something is, i.e. something impersonal, who You feel yourself at this moment, perceives the world through the senses of your body (looks, hears). Just in the "here and now" state You as a Person does not exist and therefore You (who as a person does not exist at this moment) perceive the world in a slightly different, impersonal way. Generally speaking, the Personality does not go away, but it is temporarily disconnected (when the mind is turned off), due to the fact that attention is switched from the Personality to the "here and now" state. Free switching between the Person and the "here and now" state is possible thanks to the gathered attention. Having some esoteric knowledge, I can assume that in the state of "here and now" or in the state of "contemplative perception" (as I call it), there is a sense of yourself as the presence of the spirit (God-absolute), manifested in your individual form (physical body and subtle bodies).

Dispersed attention, as already mentioned, exists due to the constant activity of the commenting mechanism. The activity of this mechanism is supported by the Personality, which, in this way, distracts Your attention, keeping it in a dispersed state. The personality does this so that You (as Consciousness, Spirit, and the source of attention are one and the same thing) cannot switch to the "here and now" state, i.e., to a place where the Personality does not exist. Thus, on the one hand, the Personality maintains its position of dominance (over the Spirit), and on the other hand, acts so banal because of the instinct of self-preservation (associated with the biological component). It should be said that this state of Affairs was allowed by You, with your permission, because You completely identified with your Personality, thus allowing the Personality to manipulate You.

It should be noted that in our society, which is still (by its own momentum) focused on survival, the development of the Individual is supported (motivated), but the person is a manifested Spirit, or is not mentioned at all, or, as we say, exclusively in the religious context. In a sense, the lack of enlightenment in which people live can be considered as the infection of humanity with a certain information virus (for example, the writer Alexandra Barvitskaya calls the virus that infects all mankind - the virus of Egoism). The fact is that the state of enlightenment is given to a person from birth, and then for some reason is lost. Perhaps in the near future, when humanity as a whole matures (civilized), people will live their lives in a state of enlightenment. In this case, people will not conflict with each other, but will treat each other with understanding, and the world will finally be at peace.

In General, this is all I wanted to tell you about enlightenment.

Next, let's look at some questions that you could ask me:

1. Why do you need enlightenment? Enlightenment, as gathered attention, is necessary in order to be able to switch freely (easily and naturally) to the state of "here and now", just by directing your attention there. Enlightenment gives both a sense of some inner comfort and an inner understanding (at the level of feeling) that you are more than a physical body and Personality (including the mind and emotions).
2. Is Enlightenment a state of bliss? Enlightenment does not give a sense of bliss, but it can give a sense of some inner comfort and some interest in some ordinary and seemingly unremarkable things. For example, you can look with interest at the reflection in puddles, palpitation of leaves on trees, anything, or even just on the asphalt or some dirt. Enlightenment brings some kind of an immediacy to the process of observation. Also, enlightenment can free you from chasing desires and from some suffering (generated by the desires of the mind). In the state of enlightenment, a feeling of longing and similar emotions can be lived, but the mind (or rather the Personality) is not "nagging" and these emotions are lived without too much drama, like "weather" (the weather also happens to be different, and not just sunny one). Enlightenment is a state of inner peace, silence, and freedom.
3. How to reach enlightenment? You as a Person can never achieve enlightenment, but you can reach a certain point where you need to leave your mind (and your Personality) and step further. If during the movement to enlightenment there is a fear of "going mad" or the fear of death, then you need to enter into this fear and not too focusing your attention on it to go further. To some extent, fear is a kind of reference point, because it shows the direction where you need to move, so if there is fear, then you need to go for fear, but you do not need to play with it. As far as I understand, the very moment of enlightenment occurs in a leap, when the attention quickly moves from its conditionally stable state (dispersed attention) to its stable state (gathered attention). From personal experience, I can say that I got used to the very state of enlightenment for about 3-4 weeks. At the same time, for the first 3 days I had (occasionally) short but very strong attacks of fear.
4.What should one do or not do in order to achieve enlightenment?
  • It is important to understand that enlightenment exists and that it is a very specific thing that is available to you. The fact is that you were already enlightened once (in your childhood), so enlightenment is a natural state for you, a natural state of your attention. Just don't try to remember this state, because you probably won't be able to. You can remember some emotions and some feelings that you had as a child, but not the state itself. The memory of this will come later.
  • It is important to understand that uncertainty about the achieving this, or perhaps even some confidence in the doubtfulness of your event, will accompany you all the way up to the very last moment. Thus, this uncertainty should be taken as a given and just act, rather than wait for the right moment. The fact is that if you just wait for the moment when you finally have the confidence to start acting, then you will never wait for it.
  • It is necessary to make a lifestyle of self-observation. Observation as observation itself, without criticism or evaluation. Mind comments may accompany this observation, but it is not the mind comments that are important, but the observation itself. In the future (after enlightenment), self-observation will be natural. You also need to learn to independently monitor what strengthens the Ego and, if possible, avoid it.
  • Avoid anything that strengthens the Ego. For example, to some extent you should not care what your relatives, friends, employees, or strangers think about you. Since it is interesting to your Personality. But this does not mean that you can behave provocatively or look provocatively, because in this case you will attract extra attention to yourself, and this is exactly what your Personality is interested in. Very strongly strengthens the Ego desire to discuss or criticize someone else. It doesn't matter if it's just a familiar person or a close person, a group of people, or even people in general (like humanity itself). Thus, you need to categorically exclude from your life now popular talk shows where there is a discussion of anyone. I will not be campaigning to exclude TV altogether, but you need to be very selective about watching TV shows. I would advise you to leave only educational materials for watching, such as those related to science, technology, innovations, etc. As for movies, I don't know. It is better to watch those movies where there is less drama, better good movies and with good humor. If you really like dramatic movies, then watching these movies can already be used as a practice, but you do not need to immerse yourself in the drama of the film, although in this case, watching the film may not be so interesting (especially if there is no interesting plot).
  • It is necessary to practice meditation. You can lie down and turn on some light and pleasant music (but not too emotional), or you can just walk and watch what is happening around you, focusing your attention on watching, and not on thinking about what you are watching. At the same time, you need to gradually increase the effect of being immersed in observation, if possible, I try to be more and more in observation, so that you as a Personality do not exist. When you dissolve yourself in this way, you may experience fear. Fear, on the one hand, may be associated with the loss of Personality in the process of observation, and on the other hand, there may be fear due to an unusual state of attention, when it narrows and it may seem that it will collapse completely. But these are just fears, although ... when the Personality is completely disconnected (temporarily, of course), and the mind really collapses (gathers), then enlightenment will happen at this moment. As for what you can observe to achieve a meditative effect, I personally am very mesmerized by the palpitation of leaves on trees (visually and their noise).
  • It is necessary, if possible, to keep part of your attention constantly in the center of your chest (in the solar plexus area), since this is the place (in a geometric sense) through which your Spirit manifests itself. In this way, your attention will feed and strengthen the manifestation of your spirit in your life.
  • At some point in your life, you may have a certain sense of inner readiness for this (but not confidence that you will succeed – it is useless to wait for this). At this point, you need to put aside all your knowledge, if any (drawn from the historical literature), make sure that for you there was nothing more important than enlightenment and go to the victorious end (the beginning of something new). This stage took me 3 weeks.
5. How to know the moment of enlightenment? From my experience, I can say that I recognized this moment immediately, because at this moment there was such a silence that I could only dream of. At this moment, instantly (as if a switch had been clicked off), the swarm of thoughts that I didn't even know existed stopped. There was a pause of silence. After a while, the thought occurred - "is this all?" (with some disappointment), the next thought was – "it turns out to be so simple and natural," but then I remembered that I had this condition in my childhood. To give you an idea of what a swarm of thoughts looks like, I will tell you a story from my life. Next day morning, when I had enlightenment (and it happened in the evening), I warmed my porridge and sat down as usual (before that I did) near the computer table. But this time I did not play any video, as I wanted to be fully present in the process of eating porridge. I looked down at the spoon for a while. When I started to chew the porridge, I was really scared, because it seemed to me that the swarm of thoughts returned to me, but soon I realized that it was just the sound of chewing porridge.

6. What happens to a Personality after the enlightenment? Personality, after enlightenment, does not disappear, but it stops dominating over you.
7. The "here and now" State exists only when thoughts are absent (in thoughtlessness)? The "here and now" state is fully felt when thoughts are absent, but it can also exist to some extent when the thought process occurs. This depends on the degree of involvement in the thinking process. If thoughts flow as if by themselves, i.e. involvement in the process of thinking is minimal, then the state of "here and now" can exist simultaneously with the thought process.
8. How does the process of thinking occur in enlightened people? In a natural way, thoughts appear out of thoughtlessness and go into thoughtlessness (probably so). There is a gap of thoughtlessness between separate (completed) thoughts.
9. How do enlightened people perceive unenlightened people? I don't know about other enlightened people, but I think it's amazing how people manage to keep constantly commenting on everything they see or hear in their minds and also manage to keep their attention on a lot of different thoughts at the same time. Now it seems to me that this is something untrue, like some kind of superpowers or something.
10. Is Enlightenment a super-ability or superpower? No, enlightenment is a certain inner state (of gathered attention, a state of "here and now"). Super-powers are an interesting for Personality. Therefore, it is difficult to call enlightenment a super-ability, if only because, in the presence of this "super-ability" (gathered attention), the activity of the Personality is reduced, or rather, brought to its natural manifestation, and when this "super-ability" is activated (the state of " here and now») the Personality is generally deactivated (disabled).
11. Is enlightenment an expanded consciousness? No, enlightenment is not an expanded consciousness, but at some point right the opposite. Expanded consciousness is something else. From personal experience, I can say that before enlightenment, my perception was somewhat even more expanded than it is now, since the attention was dispersed, and now, the attention is, on the contrary, more concentrated (gathered attention). Thanks to this attention, there is a natural feeling of some "warm" ('lamp-like') comfort in a certain surrounding space around me (my body).
12. Is enlightenment suitable for everyone? I don't know. If you have a need for experiencing the entire spectrum of emotions (and it is in the acute experience of emotions), the need for life drama, then enlightenment will not be interesting for you. If you are so depressed that you are no longer happy with anything in this life, because everything around you seems to be external, superficial and the drama in your life is no longer interesting for you, and you, on the contrary, strive for some inner peace, silence, then enlightenment will be your salvation. If you are an athlete and strive for achievement, for glory, then enlightenment will completely take away your motivation. Except that now you will strive for your personal achievements out of love for sports and overcoming them (the development of strong-willed qualities). If you are building a career and you are still satisfied with everything… Well, you get it. If you are a person who seeks only to develop your personality, thrills and vivid impressions, etc. and as long as you are satisfied with this, then you will probably not be interested in enlightenment. If you are a romantic, a person with a fine mental organization, who sincerely believes in love, then enlightenment is just what I can recommend to you, because this is something that you will really be close and interested in, so take the courage and go for it.

For those who are interested in the subject of enlightenment and those who are interested in enlightenment, I recommend a blogger like Dima Elistratov (he has a YouTube channel). Before enlightenment, I listened to other people, but now and then I find it interesting to listen to him, because he talks about enlightenment and how to reach it in a very simple and accessible language.

I also recommend the dietary supplement Synthesit (which contains iron obtained by cold nuclear fusion), since it may have played a role in helping me to get out of my prolonged "spiritual stagnation", find the strength (despite years of depression) to finally "break through the wall of thoughts" and present myself as something (at the level of sensations).

The latest version of the document is available for download here:

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