Vladislav Karabanov: Marina, thank you for coming, from Saint-Petersburg, it was a long way. In fact, we have people who follow our project, what effects Synthesit has on human health and, of course, your work, your report on the test results of Synthesit on cell models, it seems to be of great interest and you have carried out this work on tumor cell lines. In a nutshell, can you tell us what it is, please, not following the text, but your opinion?
Marina Dukhinova: Yes, of course, Vladislav. First of all, thank you very much for inviting me to Sochi and it's a great joy for me to have experience working with Synthesit as a potential medicine for, apparently, prevention and treatment for chronic diseases in the future. As you noticed, we have chosen tumor cell lines, because, of course, the problem of cancer remains one of the acute problems in the current healthcare system. We have picked, perhaps one of the most common forms - the bowel cancer and the lung cancer. Needless to say, that patients with these diseases need constant treatment, and it was interesting to see how Synthesit influences the tumor cells and the normal human cells. To our surprise, to our pleasant surprise, we found out that Synthesit is able to kill tumor cells with a fairly high efficiency. At the same time, it is completely safe for human cells - for healthy human cells, that basically gives us a huge opportunity for further testing, further study of this product. And of course, the first question arose what is the basis of its effect...