Hair is an appendage of the skin, consisting of a shaft - the outer part protruding above the surface of the skin and the root (follicle), immersed in the dermis. The shaft or hair itself consists of dead keratin cells, which do not receive blood and there are no nerve endings. That is why when we have our hair cut there's no bleeding and a person does not experience any pain.
90% of hair is in constant growth, and 10% in reserve. If this balance is disturbed, so hair loss occurs. Hair growth is carried out by dividing cells in the hair follicle.
Hair loss is a natural process of hair renewal, a person loses about 100 hairs per day. Normally, the number of growing hair corresponds to the number of fallen out.
Every day, the human scalp undergoes various tests in the form of adverse environmental conditions (frost, sun), and in women, of additionally negative affection by cosmetic procedures (coloring, perming). As a result, there is a loss of elasticity and accelerated hair loss, split ends and the structure becomes porous.
The hair look can tell a lot about your health as a whole. Dull lifeless hair is not always the result of poor care, more often the reason for such a deplorable sight of the hair is hidden inside the body.
Increased hair loss related to weaken hair follicles is a sign of many pathologies:
* Genetic inheritance.
* Increased levels of male sex hormones.
* Endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus.
* Chronic stress, depression, and neurosis.
* Iron, zinc, protein, and amino acids deficiency.
* Impaired intestinal absorption of nutrients disorders.
Signs of iron deficiency in the body with anemia, along with other symptoms in the form of muscle weakness, tachycardia, are skin changes and its appendages: hair, nails
The usual treatment regimen includes the use of therapeutic hair strengthening masks, shampoos and other cosmetics.
A huge mass of cosmetics, unfortunately, are not able to dramatically affect the processes of hair restoration and they play a secondary role.
The main role of shampoos is hygienic hair care and cleaning it from sebum, dust and any oily deposits. Although the composition of shampoos includes vitamins, antioxidants, plant extracts, they do not have any therapeutic effects on the hair, since they do not reach the core. Therefore, all strengthening hair shampoos are another manufacturers' advertising move. It is proved that shampoos do not strengthen the hair, do not restore its structure, do not give nutrition to damaged hair.