Modern developments in the field of cold transmutation of chemical elements have allowed us to synthesize in the laboratory bioactive and biogenic minerals that can enhance immunity. Their action is directly related to the renewal of the cellular composition of the bone marrow.
The company has created an innovative supplement, Synthesit Iron, which can increase life expectancy without surgery and risks. The Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology conducted laboratory studies of mice that were given a mineral, comparing the results of their activity and endurance with a control group of rodents that did not receive the supplement.
Analyzes confirmed that Synthesit
contributes to more than double the number of hematopoietic stem cells. They are responsible for strengthening immunity and are of interest to us primarily in the aspect of longevity.
The second stage of testing the supplement was an experiment with the intake of minerals by humans. Stem cells, the level of production of which increased, strengthened the immune system, promoted the renewal of tissues and systems. Among the positive aspects, the subjects noted:
· A rapid increase in immunity in adults (it becomes easier for the body to resist viral and bacterial infections);
· Improving physical stamina and strength;
·Normalization of appetite;
· The disappearance of the first signs of varicose veins;
· Pain in joints and ligaments, including from chronic injuries, disappears.
"Synthesit" is a unique
supplement for immunity, which allows you to extend the desired youth, while it costs hundreds of times cheaper than surgical methods of rejuvenation, does not carry any risks for the development of complications. Its regular intake allows you to strengthen the immune system in a short time. The number of hematopoietic stem cells is growing, new cell structures replenish the ranks of damaged ones. With a unique tool to maintain health at any age and achieve
active longevity - easily, regardless of the number of chronic diseases. This is proven in practice, confirmed by serious scientific research.