What I would like to pay attention: before start of taking Synthesit, immovable sperm counted 90%, after taking Synthesit it decreased to 85%. The viability of live sperm cells "Before" taking Synthesit was less than 58%, and this is below normal. And "After" the start of taking Synthesit, the viability of live sperm cells increased to 78% - this is the norm. There is a number of indicators else, which suggest that as a result of taking Synthesit, the reproductive ability of the body is restored - this is a very important indicator.
In general, human health is such a complex that modern medicine has not completely studied it, and even the effect of our Synthesit on the human body, on the living organism is a completely new phenomenon, unknown in modern medicine, but it was known in ancient, in ancient medicine.
I was promised to get some pictures from ancient, medieval cemeteries of India, where are the obelisks of people who lived up to 300 years. There will be such an opportunity, I will show. There were such people in Jaipur in the Middle Ages. In order to live so many years, you had to use something.
In this case, historical evidence suggests that it was an element obtained by their method of cold nuclear fusion. How they did it in antiquity, we do not know, but there are indications that these are fresh elements.
Yes, they ask how many Synthesit capsules to drink - 1-2-3-4, in fact, the human need for 5-10 milligrams of iron per day, and we only have 0.8 milligrams and they have such a powerful biogenic effect , they trigger biochemical processes in the body. I believe that as a result of eating food in ordinary life, a person also receives these fresh elements - he receives 1000 times less, about a microgram. In our Synthesit, this element is 1000 times larger and therefore the processes begin to proceed faster. Moreover, we tried to use half a capsule - this also gives an effect.
One of our participants writes: "A woman, 50 years old, 62 kg, took half-capsule for 16 days. At first, she was positive. Features: after oncology, the course of chemotherapy ended a year ago. The condition in the beginning of treatment was weakened by chemistry, side effects, treatment, severe polyneuropathy of the arms and legs. The effect was noticed almost immediately - the next day. Improvement, stable mood, feeling like after yoga, reduction of appetite, joint flexibility, muscle strength, elastic warm skin became after taking Synthesit.
I was informed that after finish taking Synthesit all improvements were preserved.
I gave him only one jar, which he shared between his three relatives and they simultaneously analyzed.
"Coordination of movements, ease of breathing, sleep restored."
But, after finish taking it I understood that sleep did not maintain. Well, and "the rapid disappearance of bruises after injections, three times faster while taking Synthesit.
Woman 82 years, 90 kg - took 1/2 capsule 15 consecutive days. At first, she was quite skeptical. The effect was seen after three days. Definitely, she began to sleep better, stopped waking up at night, her sleep became deep, calm and full. When walking, a strong decrease in fatigue. "I used to walk a little over an hour, and during and after, it's easy for about two hours."
That is, the stamina and feeling of well-being increased, so it became possible to increase the duration of walking almost three to four times just after taking Synthesit.
I think that immunity is also increasing, although if you stop drinking Synthesit, then immunity may be weakening. But, it is only my opinion, I have been taking it for about three months, but intermittently. Just, there was a flu, before that I stopped taking it for a long time.
There is also our recipient, who writes: "This is an incredible discovery. I took the first capsule at four pm, then I started to tickle in the throat (he is a smoker, more than 20 years, the taste of nicotine in the mouth is constant from the throat), a little bit go out mucus, constantly began to drink water. " Water consumption is increasing. Synthesit dilutes the blood and therefore you need to drink more water.
There is more information on this subject. If there is an opportunity, I will read it again.
Now everything that concerns your questions, I will answer your questions and briefly cover the main topics I will touch upon.
Question: - How can I become a distributor?
Answer: - There are a lot of questions on this subject. Today's stream is for project participants, who took part, who invested. We still have a deficit. The question of distribution will be delayed by time, decision, mechanism, scheme - I ask to take it into account and understood.
Question: - Alla Bunina. How will dividends be accrued?
Answer: - In a month, maybe a little less. We have a special person request your data, he will do it. In the letter, in the newsletter, we will do all this. In fact, you can get these dividends by paying with tokens. Because the price of tokens which we accept is still several times higher than the price which we provided these tokens. Therefore, I believe that our tokens are provided with real commodity special content plus those who partially pay with tokens 50% will receive Synthesit out of turn.
The question - what are the privileges for project participants, investors? I think this is such a very serious privilege. In fact, they started ordering from us from abroad, although there are no advertisements abroad. Although we have an English version of the information, there was no advertising. Nevertheless, we have active respondents, those who correspond with us from abroad, paid, ordered ... the process is ongoing.
Once again, I want to emphasize that the shipment process begins within 30 to 90 days from the date of payment. There is a number of details that determine this period.
Question: - I paid with tokens, but now how to pay for my pre-order?
Answer: - If you made a pre-order, you received an offer, information about what you can pay for, order and wait for our product.
For those who participated and pre-ordered, we planned to give a week for payment, but we will extend it for another four days. Because not everyone received letters at the time, not everyone understood, not everyone was able to transfer tokens, not everyone was able to figure it out. Therefore, we will give a period until Monday, until the beginning of Tuesday. And then, on Tuesday, we will begin a more active campaign, perhaps we will even stop accepting orders, or reduce it. The deadline will be a little longer.
Question: - What about shipping to other countries?
Answer: - Yes, we will also have deliver to other countries. By "other countries" is meant Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, in general, all countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as practically all countries on the planet that have mail. Shipment, sending will be carried out through a company that works with airmail, so it will come quickly enough. But here we are already dependent on the work of special mail services.
Question: - Paul writes. Can Synthesit be acquired without waiting in line as an investor?
Answer: - You can, but pay not in tokens, but in rubles. While you can, because little information so far. We did not do advertising, when the advertisement goes, it will be difficult. How can we identify that you are our investor. Therefore, such an opportunity was given - with the help of tokens you can make a profit, and, secondly, get out of turn. To do something more, it will be to the detriment of other our investors.
Question: - Will it be possible to transfer dividends as payment for Synthesit?
Answer: - This is your right. You can do anything with them. In a month we will start this program, maybe a little more, a program for collecting addresses, where to collect all this and explain our dividend calculation mechanism.
Question: - Vasily asks. When will the tokens go to stock exchange?
Answer: - As soon as Synthesit shipments for these orders begin, we will prepare a token exchange system either at the exchange or in some kind of exchange system. Because they will be in demand as the public gets Synthesit ... I think that the public will get more and more acquainted with this absolutely phenomenal product, a mineral that has an incredible effect ..., I use it by myself and feel ... without it I feel like something is missing. And then we will already go to the stock exchange.
Here's a proposal - how to identify ... Again, I'll emphasize once again that the offer, for tokens, for their repurchases, for extraordinary sending, is the most correct, effective and fair.
So, the questions are about the same - exchange, payment without tokens ... Once again, I'll emphasize that while you are actually in a narrow circle and the narrow circle knows about the pre-sale, and the one who made the pre-order, they can pay in rubles ... And when the sales begin, it will already depend on how the person ordered. If you want faster, pay with tokens, this price is fair, we talked about it - 3 dollars per token and then you can get out of turn.
Question: - Is it possible to buy a product only by tokens?
Answer: - I believe that to pay 50% by tokens is very good offer. You see, if we start selling only for tokens, then confusion can happen: someone over fifty, someone only for tokens. In any case... if you want to receive money, you can take and exchange your tokens on the exchange stock in just a few weeks. If you want to buy our Synthesit out of turn - pay 50% by tokens and receive Synthesit. There are no difficulties here - exchange and get Synthesit, you can sell part and get money for it. The main thing is that the token now has the material content of a completely unique product.
Question: - Why don't you invite Dr Bulgin to the webinar to confirm all this information?
Answer: - Victor, you called to Dr Bulgin several times, and he confirmed everything to you, at the Research Institute of Primatology you called.
In fact, we were in Switzerland, in Geneva. We are associated with a huge number of people ... everything, in general, is understandable. There will be a publication in several scientific journals, a little later we will go to an international conference. You see, we are just starting the sale of this product, you are at the very beginning of this historical event. All the participants in this project are ..., we have not yet realized the importance of this event: what we have done. I expected, I understood the potential, I had my own point of view on this issue, so I believed that the biogenic effect of the elements obtained by cold synthesis is the most important and most promising, from a commercial point of view. And now we are moving in this direction and great interest among people and a very large mail with us. We do not always have time to answer during the day, although we have several people who answer. I want to find understanding here, and if no one answers you within a day or two days, it's not because we don't want to, or if we're up to it later, it's because we are really loaded with letters. In addition, we have the main work, we must produce all this.