The product is based on an innovative form of bioactive iron. Synthesit is produced as a result of multi-stage complex reactions of electrochemical and high-temperature reactions on non-heme raw materials of mineral origin. This is the result of a long-term research and experiments in collaboration with outstanding scientists.
Vladislav Karabanov
Founder/CEO of Synthestech project
"We have created a product that opens the way to a new era of human health. Synthesit is an opportunity to quickly improve the quality of life and extend active longevity".
How does Synthesit™ work?
What changes in Your body? - Blood oxygen saturation up to 100%
What do You feel? - Better oxygen delivery to tissues with anemic hypoxia, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, or during intense exercise
What changes in Your body? - Stable blood pressure within a healthy range
What do You feel? - Normal cardiac function and heart attack prevention - Increased endurance
What changes in Your body? - Excretion of toxic agents and metabolites from the body
What do You feel? - Improved liver and pancreas function
What changes in Your body? - Enhanced dermal health and hair follicle regeneration
What do You feel? - Accelerated regeneration and improved skin, hair & nail health
What changes in Your body? - Anti-inflammatory effect
What do You feel? - Reduced frequency of allergic reactions and the lowered risk of cytokine storm
What changes in Your body? - Maintenance of normal blood rheology and viscosity
What do You feel? - Reduced appearance of varicose veins and the risk of blood clots
What changes in Your body? - Better vitamin & nutrient absorption
What do You feel? - Consuming less but satisfying amounts of foods without overeating
What changes in Your body? - Restored neuronal function
What do You feel? - Improved concentration, memory, sleep, mood and motivation
What changes in Your body? - Enhanced body's ability to effectively fight infections
What do You feel? - Experiencing only a mild form of a disease and fast recovery
Extensive studies of Synthesit™ effect on rejuvenation processes, cancer cell inhibition, and the increase in number of stem cells have been conducted. Intake by people gives an incredible revitalizing effect.
Several years of scientific research, first samples and experiments
Construction and laboratory center equipment was completed at the end of 2018.
Our analysis laboratory is equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment for sample preparation and accurate analysis of the obtained substance.
Renowned scholar Yu. Bazhutov provided ideological support in the early stages of Project development
During 2015-2019 years different options of experimental installations to obtain Synthesit were on trial
More than 1000 practical experiments and practical tests were carried out during the development of the technology
Two x-ray fluorescence spectrometers help us detect substances, with detection limits up to one-hundredth of a percent
Modern mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma allows to accurately measure the atomic and isotopic composition of the active substance
Certified equipment and competent specialists ensure high quality of manufactured products
After several years of testing various options, we were able to invent a semi-industrial installation and obtain the first micrograms of the active substance
At the end of 2019, the first studies of Synthesit safety were completed successfully
Experiments at the Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology revealed the increase in the number of healthy stem cells in experimental group of mice
October 29, 2019. Presentation of Synthesit was held at a conference in Geneva
November 19, 2019. Obtained certificate of compliance with safety requirements
Spring 2020. Start of innovative mineral sales
Summer 2020. More than 100 reviews about bioactive effect of the mineral are published on the YouTube channel SYNTHESIT
September 2020. Cycle of scientific research on a group of primates at the Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology was completed
September/October 2020. Inhibition of cancer cells by Synthesit without toxic effect on healthy cells is scientifically proven
October 2020. Launch of Synthesit production in Switzerland
In the photo, project Manager Vladislav Karabanov, head of the laboratory Roman Karabanov and scientist V. A. Krivitsky
A group of supporters hoisting the flag of Sententia on Mont Blanc (Alps, Switzerland)
The mineral Synthesit acts as a biocatalyst of intracellular reactions, optimizing the energy of individual cells and the body as a whole. Thanks to the active iron co-factor, Synthesit uses internal resources to stimulate the processes of oxygen transport, metabolism, cell protection and regeneration at the system level.
Synthesit helps to restore the body's natural potential: health, energy, activity. Effective in the prevention and during the complex treatment of acute and chronic diseases, including disorders of the immune system, digestion, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.
The increased efficiency of biochemical processes improves well-being and increases physical and mental activity. Synthesit raises the level of protection against free radicals caused by stress, aging or disease.