Blood thinning products are a kind of prevention of heart attack /stroke /blood clots at any age.
Statistics are a stubborn thing: an increasing number of cases with the formation of blood clots that can stop blood flow in a brain vessel or a coronary artery. The blood clot is formed asymptomatically, the person does not even have time to feel the danger. The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly in young and older age.
Medicinal methods for reducing blood viscosity only temporarily stop the problem. The popular procedure of cascade plasmapheresis, which cleanses the plasma from large fat cells and protein molecules, just at first sight looks like a salvation from serious health problems. However, along with the 'unnecessary' components, vital immune antibodies are also removed, and the person becomes completely disarmed in front of possible infections.
Moreover, the cost of the procedure is not affordable for everyone.
At best, people get chronic heart disease and are forced to take pharmaceutical medications all their life to thin the blood; at worst, they die from a blood vessel clot. The recommendations of doctors in this case consist of adjusting the diet. In particular:
- Use clean drinking water regularly;
- Exclude fat meat, sausage products from a diet
- Use less blood-thickening products: bananas, walnuts, pomegranates;
- Get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
There are a lot of additional terms and conditions, whether you are taking hormonal medications, contraceptives or medicinal herbal infusions. Side effects are things that you should really be afraid of when you form a scheme for taking pharmaceutical drugs. Even the harm of aspirin intake on a regular basis has already been proven.
So where can we find the best blood thinning product?